If Eileen Grubba’s name isn’t familiar, there’s a reason. She’s built a strong television career playing edgy characters in shows like Game of Silence, Sons of Anarchy, The Mentalist and HBO’s Hung, plus others. Her thespian roots stretch back to Atlanta and New York, where she acted in musicals, plays, commercials and independent films. A lifetime member of the renowned Actors Studio, she’s been compared to theater greats Geraldine Page and Kim Stanley.
Yet, despite her impressive resume, Grubba’s faced prejudice in Hollywood because she walks with a limp. But the experience and her subsequent health issues, including multiple surgeries and surviving cancer, have made her a fierce advocate for people with disabilities. Although diversity and inclusion in Hollywood have received a lot of play of late, actors with disabilities remain underrepresented in Hollywood—a fact Grubba is committed to changing. She spoke at length with ABILITY’s Lia Martirosyan about her story and mission to fight prejudice against people with disabilities.
Read the full article here: https://abilitymagazine.com/eileen-grubba-feisty-fun-fabulous/
